20 Most Disturbing Japanese Horror Movies Of All Time
7. Guinea Pig 2: Flower Of Flesh & Blood (1985)
The Plot: A young woman is drugged and kidnapped by a man dressed as a samurai, who then methodically dismembers her and, of course, captures the whole thing on video. Why It's Disturbing: Guinea Pig 2 is a film so infamous that, when Charlie Sheen saw a copy of the movie in 1991, he contacted the FBI under the belief that he had just watched a snuff film. It's easily the most "beloved" entry in the infamous franchise, running just barely 40 minutes in length and containing scarcely any plot or dialogue at all, but boasting insanely realistic gore effects which still hold up extremely well today. To see a woman be dismantled so calmly over such a sustained length of time is enough to make you wonder why you're even watching the film, but for those who pride themselves on having an iron stomach, it's a must-watch.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.