20 Most Disturbing Japanese Horror Movies Of All Time
4. Splatter: Naked Blood (1996)
The Plot: A scientist has synthesised a painkiller which can turn feelings of pain into pleasure, but when the drug is administered to three young women, things get wildly out of hand. Why It's Disturbing: There's one major scene that nobody who has seen Naked Blood ever forgets. When one of the three women splashes hot water on her body, the pain turns into pleasure, and she decides that she would enjoy eating herself, at which point she munches on her fingers, one of her nipples, her labia, and then shoves a fork in her eye and eats that as well. While the other mutilation sequences are themselves unpleasant, the film undeniably peaks with its nauseating auto-cannibalism sequence, which is certainly one of the most infamously graphic scenes in all of Japanese horror. You probably shouldn't eat while watching any of these films, but especially not this one.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.