20 Most Disturbing Japanese Horror Movies Of All Time

5. Men Behind The Sun (1988)

The Plot: A recreation of the atrocities committed by the infamous Japanese Unit 731 during World War II, namely grotesque experiments performed upon Chinese and Soviet prisoners of war. Why It's Disturbing: Where to begin? It's a film jam-packed full of disturbing experiments, with the most memorable scenes including a cat being eaten alive by rats, a man being explosively decompressed, causing his intestines to shoot out of his anus, and a boy having his organs removed while he remains alive and anesthetised. Even worse still is that an autopsy sequence actually featured the use of a real corpse: director T.F. Mous was granted permission by the local authorities to film an autopsy being performed on a recently-deceased young boy, and intercut this with footage of an actor. Whether the movie justifies its existence due to its historical context is up for debate, as some argue that it's too exploitative to have any educational merit, but as a reminder of the horrific torture that went on, it's incredibly difficult to shake.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.