20 Most Horribly Misleading Movie Titles

17. Eraserhead

What It Sounds Like: To be honest, the idea of David Lynch€™s debut feature involving a character with a giant eraser for a head isn€™t that unusual. He did after all convince the entire cast of Mulholland Dr. to don giant bunny heads for a mini-series called Rabbits.

What It Actually Is: Alas, this isn€™t a stationery-inspired story of a friendly chappy who€™s always on hand to rub out any mistakes in your Times crossword. The one similarity the title has to the content is that its crazier than a Syphilitic crotch.

Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) experiences a ton of bizarre and surreal hallucinations. It is Lynch, so they wind up sort of being true. He ends up caring for his snake-like ugly-as-sin child while dreaming about people stomping on miniatures of his offspring.

Don€™t think it would have seemed at all out of place to have included a character with a rubber head.

What It Should Have Been Called: Henry€™s Lost The Plot

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Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian. Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.