20 Most Hotly-Anticipated Movie Sequels Coming In 2016

8. Independence Day: Resurgence

Release Date: June 24, 2016 Just when you thought that Hollywood had exploited each and every last one of its nostalgic properties, here comes a belated sequel to Independence Day, almost two decades after the release of the first film and at a time when nobody in the whole world asked for it. That said, now that Independence Day 2 is on the horizon, it doesn't mean that folk can't get a little excited for it, surely? The movie has Jeff Goldblum back in the saddle after all, and - despite the fact that the follow-up lacks Will Smith (whose character has been mercilessly killed off-screen in the viral marketing), Resurgence does at least look to be - on the part of its director, Roland Emmerich, anyway - free of the cynicism that drives most sequels. That can't guarantee that this film will be any good, of course, and yet it's one that you want to succeed - even if the trailer does look a little serious and the plot seems to be reprising the beats of the first film verbatim. Still, Jeff Goldblum equals tons of anticipation, right?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.