20 Most Hotly-Anticipated Movie Sequels Coming In 2016

3. X-Men: Apocalypse

Release Date: May 27, 2016 There's the sense that audiences take the X-Men movies for granted, somewhat; year after year, another entry in this series is rolled out to less of a noticeable fanfare than with other superhero flicks, and yet the results are almost always pretty darn good. X-Men: Apocalypse appears to have all the making of a movie that will finally bring the franchise over to the proper mainstream, however; it is a big, dark and towering blockbuster, with a mouth-watering villain (played by Oscar Isaac) and a plot that looks as apocalyptic as its title suggests. As a result, everyone seems to be pretty psyched for this installment, and it's likely to result in the highest cinematic gross for the franchise to date. Bryan Singer, who wrote and directed the movie, has never turned in a bad X-Men movie, so it's not really a case as to whether Apocalypse will be good, but how will it rank when compared to the immortal X-2 and the recent brilliance that was Days of Future Past? Not to forget that this is the one where Professor X finally loses his hair - about time, right?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.