20 Most Iconic Monster Introductions In Movie History

12. The First Troll - Trollhunter

One of the most original horror movies to have been released in recent years emerged from the cold and barren wastelands of Norway - Troll Hunter is very firmly rooted in the mythical fables of the region, right down to the trolls' ability to smell the blood of Christian men. Taking on the found footage/mockumentary format which is often a sure sign of a cheap and lazy movie, Troll Hunter transcends its premise and delivers a frequently funny and occasionally quite poignant portrait of a tired old man tasked with monitoring the behaviour of trolls and preventing them from straying into civilisation. For good measure, here's a clip showing every troll sighting in the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNR4zQKNORU

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.