20 Most Iconic Monster Introductions In Movie History

9. The Predator - Predator

A tried and trusted tactic frequently used in monster movies is to slowly reveal the creature bit by bit until you build up to the great reveal where it is unleashed in all its hideous glory. There are exceptions to this rule (see The Host, which introduces the monster early on) but on the whole this is the approach most filmmakers opt for. Giving the alien creature in Predator a cloaking device is a great way to ensure that the audience remains on the edge of their seat until the last minute - although it's fair to say that, with action this intense, Predator is hardly a film which drags its heels. Still, the final proper introduction to the predator, as it takes off its mask and screams in Arnie's face, is well worth the wait. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUuZ-bA_TEs

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.