20 Most Iconic Monster Introductions In Movie History

8. Smaug - The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

Peter Jackson might have annoyed a lot of fans through his overuse of CGI in the Hobbit trilogy (did it really all need to look so cartoonish?) but at least he got the effects spot on for the monstrous villain Smaug, voiced perfectly by Benedict Cumberbatch. The scenes in the closing moments of Desolation of Smaug are perhaps the most perfect in the trilogy (Bilbo's moments with Gollum in the first movie aside) - the sense of scale (and scales, if you'll forgive the pun) is perfectly realised, while for once Jackson restrains his camera movements enough for the audience to be able to take in this gargantuan dragon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84CLnZZzsa8

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