20 Most Iconic Monster Introductions In Movie History

19. Godzilla - Godzilla

It's impossible to talk about monster movies without mentioning Japan's ultimate entry into the canon - the 1956 original (known as Gojira) might not have the special effects wizardry seen decades later in the two American remakes but it remains a lot of fun. Even as children few people who saw the original were under the illusion that they were watching something other than a man wearing a costume trashing a model city, but it never really mattered since it was so much fun. A simple suspension of disbelief was all it took to get on board and enjoy Godzilla for what it was - a thoroughly entertaining monster romp with an underlying metaphor about the folly of science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h1YmMbQxow

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.