20 Most Iconic Monster Introductions In Movie History
15. Gremlins - Gremlins
Looking back at Gremlins over 30 years since it was first released and it's amazing to think that it was originally given a PG certificate - the violence and gore, even if it is often tongue in cheek, is far more excessive than anything you'd see today in a similarly rated movie. It's also just as much fun to watch as it's always been, and perhaps the fact that no one has come along and remade it in recent years is something we should be grateful for, retaining that nostalgaic feel (for the time being, at least - a remake has been on the cards for a while). When we first meet the gremlins after their first midnight snack the domesticity lends the scene an amusingly surreal feel - it's as if a Frank Capra movie has been taken over by a 50s B movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIrd4172Czw