20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

9. Marion Crane - Psycho (1960)

Quint Jaws Death

Not just one of the greatest onscreen deaths, but one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history, the famous shower sequence from Psycho is a masterclass in the art of suggestion. Even though there is virtually no graphic violence involved, the combination of close-ups, editing, sound design and Bernard Hermann's instantly-recognizable score create the illusion of bloody murder.

For a scene that runs less than four minutes, it took six days to shoot and involved 77 different angles, with Alfred Hitchcock once again proving why he was dubbed the 'Master of Suspense' with a scene that expertly builds tension before reaching a bloody crescendo.

While it would be impossible now, Alfred Hitchcock managed to keep under wraps the fact that the leading lady and biggest name in the cast is killed off early in the movie, even having signs placed at theaters during the movie's theatrical run forbidding patrons entry if they turned up late for a screening so as not to ruin the twist.

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