20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

7. Toht - Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)

Quint Jaws Death
Paramount Pictures

Gestapo agent, interrogator and all-round creepy bugger Major Arnold Toht gets his comeuppance in spectacular fashion at the culmination of Steven Spielberg's classic adventure movie, in an extravaganza of head-melting awesomeness that pushed the boundaries of Raiders of the Lost Ark's PG rating to the very limit.

The effect was achieved by speeding up footage of a model of actor Ronald Lacey's head being exposed to a heat lamp, with the fire effects added to avoid an R-rating after the MPAA expressed concerns about the graphic nature of the sequence. The demise of the dastardly villain remains one of the Indiana Jones franchise's most iconic moments, and definitively proves that nobody should have access to the Ark of the Covenant besides top men.

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