20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

6. Kong - King Kong (1933)

Quint Jaws Death
RKO Radio Pictures

Cinema's favorite giant primate has remained an icon of popular culture for over 80 years, enduring through two remakes, countless spin-offs, a battle with Godzilla and even a musical. Despite this, the enduring image of King King has always been the Empire State Building climax of the 1933 original where it isn't the planes, but beauty that kills the beast.

While the special effects are admittedly crude when viewed today, they were groundbreaking at the time and the scene nonetheless retains its emotional impact after all these years. With the object of his affection Ann Darrow in tow, the Eighth Wonder of the World faces off against four biplanes at the summit of what was then the tallest building on the planet, before he is eventually mortally wounded by their gunfire and plummets to a heartbreaking demise.

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