20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

12. Mufasa - The Lion King (1994)

Quint Jaws Death

Apologies for bringing all of your childhood trauma back to the surface, but no list of epic movie deaths would be complete without the heartbreaking demise of Mufasa at the hands of his nefarious brother Scar in Disney's animated classic, a scene that is still more than capable of reducing grown adults to tears.

Saving his son from a stampede of wildebeest in truly heroic fashion, Mufasa attempts to scratch and claw his way out of trouble up a sheer rock face, fully expecting his brother to save him. Like the bastard he truly he is, Scar instead seizes his opportunity, grinning from ear-to-ear as he looks his brother in the eye to proclaim 'long live the king' before sending Mufasa to his demise.

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