20 Most Idiotic Film Twists Of All Time

7. The Rewind Ending - Savages

Savages Movie
Universal Pictures

The Twist: With Ben (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) dying from a gunshot wound, Ophelia (Blake Lively) injects herself, Ben and Chon (Taylor Kitsch) with a fatal drug overdose so they can die together rather than live without one another.

However, Ophelia then reveals that this is just how she feared it would end for them, and at that point, the film literally rewinds (complete with a stock VHS rewind noise), this time unfolding with a happy ending in which the three live together in a hut by the beach.

Why It's Stupid: It instantly reminds one of the numerous daft fake-out endings from Wayne's World...except this is a movie that takes itself completely seriously, and so the result is pure viewer outrage. Plus, after arriving at a dark ending close to that of the novel, Oliver Stone completely lost his nerve and compromised: like so many entries on this list, it's a dumb cop-out.

Stone wanted to have it both ways by fooling the audience and then serving up a relieving climax, but the only one to end up looking foolish was Stone for writing and directing this idiocy in the first place. Terrible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.