20 Most Idiotic Film Twists Of All Time
6. Alternate Ape Earth - Planet Of The Apes (2001)
The Twist: Leo (Mark Wahlberg) uses a pod to travel back through the electromagnetic storm from the beginning of the movie, hoping to end up back in 21st century Earth. He arrives at Washington's Lincoln Memorial only to find it remodeled to resemble General Thade (Tim Roth), and all the police officers, firefighters, and news reporters in the vicinity are in fact apes. Roll credits.
Why It's Stupid: In a desperate attempt to one-up the "it was Earth all along" ending of the original 1968 movie, 2001's apes opts for a WTF conclusion in a league of its own. Tim Roth himself said he didn't get it, while director Tim Burton later admitted that it wasn't really supposed to make sense but was simply a shocking sequel hook for the studio's sake.
Though it can simply be hand-waved as Leo arriving in a parallel dimension, it's still a curve ball hurled at the viewers for shock value and little else. Ironically, it's actually closer to the ending of the original novel than the 1968 movie, but not nearly as iconic or clever.