20 Most Idiotic Film Twists Of All Time

3. Maria Hill Was A Ghost The Whole Time - Safe Haven

Safe Haven Cobie Smulders
Relativity Media

The Twist: Katie's (Julianne Hough) friendly neighbor Jo (Cobie Smulders) was actually Alex's (Josh Duhamel) dead wife all along, and it's revealed at the end of the movie that prior to her death from cancer, she pre-wrote letters to whoever Alex would next fall in love with, thanking them for making Alex happy.

When Jo leaves town moments before, it is in essence her soul "moving on". Note also that Jo doesn't interact with any other characters in the movie, conveniently slinking away whenever Katie is talking to anyone else.

Why It's Stupid: Given that 99% of the movie is a completely realistic and relatively believable (if sappy) romantic drama, to send this utterly mind-boggling plot twist careening through the movie's hold on reality is hilariously dumb.

Sure, it has to stick to Nicholas Sparks' wretched source material, but even so, did the twist need to be delivered in quite such heavy-handed fashion? If you for some God-forsaken reason saw this movie in the cinema, you probably noted all the boyfriends sarcastically snickerin their way through the end credits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.