20 Most Idiotic Film Twists Of All Time

16. It Was All A Vision - Next

Nic Cage Next
Paramount Pictures

The Twist: At the end of the movie, Cris (Nicolas Cage) realises that he cannot use his precognitive powers to stop the terrorists, and a bomb detonates, destroying the city. At that moment, the image cuts to black and it zooms out from Cris' eye: the majority of the movie has been a premonition, and Cris is still in bed with Liz (Jessica Biel) as per earlier in the film.

Aware that this is the future that awaits the city if he tries to evade the FBI, Cris agrees to co-operate with Callie (Julianne Moore), implying that he will likely prevent the strike this time.

Why It's Stupid: It's an extremely cheap rug-pull to temporarily shock viewers and then bring them back in, and about one step above "it was all a dream" (which will be coming later). It's all the more annoying and stupid because the movie clearly thinks it's being incredibly clever with such a reveal, but in actuality, it's the silliest part of an already pretty braindead film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.