20 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU

1. The Snap Heard Around The Universe – Avengers: Infinity War

avengers infinity war Thor stormbreaker
Marvel Studios

Leading up to the events of Infinity War, it was stated that only extremely mighty beings could wield one Infinity Stone, let alone control all of them.

This made Thanos’s use of the powerful gems all the more impressive, especially when he gained control over all six Stones. Despite being gravelly injured by Thor beforehand, the Mad Titan was able to summon the strength to snap the Gauntlet and wipe out half of all life in the universe as he had planned.

Putting the Mad Titan's act of cruelty into perspective makes it all the more shocking. in Endgame, Rocket indirectly stated that the snap was unlike anything the universe had seen in terms of energy output and yet Thanos was able to do it twice.

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