20 Most Influential Actors Of All Time

17. Julie Andrews

Streetcar Named Desire Marlon Brando
Buena Vista

Julie Andrews is the definition of multi-talented. A veteran of both the stage and the screen, Andrews most iconic roles remain some of the most beloved and popular characters in cinema. But she has always been more than just a formidable and seamless actress; she is singer with a powerhouse soprano voice, and has published two books.

She's perhaps best remembered for Mary Poppins, one of pop culture's most recognisable figures, and The Sound of Music just a year later. These roles, paired together with some great voice work in the Despicable Me franchise and the Shrek films, have made Andrews a fan favourite amongst younger audiences.

In many ways, she has stood the test of time better than many in her field - Mary Poppins is a childhood staple even today, sixty years later, and The Sound of Music is still one of Hollywood's best musical ventures, an accepted classic which is carried by her wonderful performance and singing voice.

In terms of influence, Andrews has helped shape every generation since the release of Mary Poppins, and is a key face of the film musical scene.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.