20 Most Insanely Depraved Movie Moments From The Video Nasty Era

17. Circular Saw Decapitation - Bloody Moon (1981)


A horribly scarred man is cruelly rejected by a girl he made advances on, and thus, in a fit of rage, he stabs her to death with a pair of scissors. Five years later, he is released from the mental hospital into the care of his sister and an ailing relative. Bloody mayhem subsequently ensues at a nearby Spanish language school.

To the extent that Bloody Moon is remembered for anything, it’s for the set-piece in which one of the victims allows herself to be tied to a block of marble in an old stone mill (she thinks kinky sex is in the offing), only to be decapitated by a gigantic circular saw. That scene (and the bit just after it, when the killer runs down the little boy who witnessed the crime with his car) is indeed a pretty astonishing piece of shock cinema.

As far as the victim, perhaps you could say that she was getting "a-head of herself"? Right? No? Okay, moving on. 

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com