20 Most Insanely Depraved Movie Moments From The Video Nasty Era

16. The Girl Scout Massacre - Night Of The Demon (1980)


Night Of The Demon is a story of “horribly mutilated” people (that phrase shows up twice in the first five minutes of this flick). A horribly mutilated anthropology professor is telling his mutilated story from his hospital bed to his doctor and the cops. The poor bastard had taken his class out into the sticks to hunt for traces of Bigfoot. As you can probably guess, things didn’t go that well.

Night Of The Demon is a truly bizarre experience - as the creature brandishes weapons and rips off penises (or, at least one penis) left and right.

Though, without a doubt, the craziest moment of the film involves two pretty young Girl Scouts (both played by women that are clearly in their twenties) who are walking through the woods with their hunting knives out in hopes of obtaining a merit badge. The crazed creature clangs them both together like a pair of cymbals until they stab each other to death with their own drawn blades. It’s the single weirdest and most original kill featuring Girl Scouts and Bigfoot that you're ever going to see.  

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com