20 Most Intense Movie Scenes Ever
8. "I Drink Your Milkshake!" - There Will Be Blood
Daniel Day-Lewis gave one of the all-time best performances as Daniel Plainview in Paul Thomas Anderson's classic drama, exemplified no better than in Plainview's final showdown with huckster pastor Eli Sunday (Paul Dano).
Plainview quietly, calmy berates Sunday, before launching into a more aggressive and eccentric tirade, as he tells him, "I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!" and screams, "I told you I would eat you!"
Daniel then grabs a bowling pin and beats Eli to death as the film's final, darkly comic exclamation point. It's a rare example of a scene that's equally unsettling in both its quieter and more action-packed moments, creating a fascinating portrait of wanton greed's inevitable final outcome.