20 Most Intense Movie Scenes Ever

6. Andrew's Final Performance - Whiplash

Whiplash Miles Teller

Here's an insanely intense climactic movie scene that doesn't feature a single gunshot or act of violence, just a ludicrously skilled drummer pulling off the performance of his life.

Whiplash's dazzling finale sees drumming prodigy Andrew (Miles Teller) performing for his former hard-a** jazz instructor Terence Fletcher (an Oscar-winning J.K. Simmons), and after Fletcher attempts to intentionally derail Andrew's performance, Andrew returns with a show-stopping performance of the notoriously difficult piece, "Caravan".

Fletcher can only help conduct the piece with a mix of infuriation and admiration for his former student, whose ten-minute drumming assault is as thrilling as any shootout or car chase Hollywood can muster.

Seriously, you'll probably want a cigarette or a cool shower after watching this sequence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.