20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours

1. Luke Skywalker Is The Main Villain

Of all the rumours to have found their way online, this was without a doubt the biggest and most shocking. Though there have been reports that Luke goes into hiding to avoid the lure of the Dark Side, one claimed that Rey's quest to find Luke brings her face to face with the deformed cyborg cradling Darth Vader's helmet, and that villain is revealed to be Luke. Defeated and devastated, she's embraced by him and for some reason gives into the Dark Side - still, this seems unlikely for a number of reasons. For starters, the backlash from fans would be huge, and the fact that Mark Hamill was sporting a massive beard for most of the production also makes it hard to believe they would CGI that out so he looks part android. Besides, when is that transformation supposed to have happened? Rian Johnson's Episode VIII and IX are said to be very Luke and Leia heavy, and having the former become the new Vader - who ultimately found redemption - but worse would not be fun to watch. Still, that's the rumour, so hopefully the next trailer will go some way in debunking this. What other Star Wars: The Force Awakens rumours have you heard? Let us know in the comments below.

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