20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours

19. Rey's AT-AT

When photos from the Dubai set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens' found their way online, fans saw what looked an awful lot like the foot of an AT-AT. Rumours from the those working at the location revealed that it wasn't going to be seen in action, and that it was in fact a downed remnant of the Galactic Civil War and the home of one of the movie's leads. That will apparently be Rey, and what's believed to be official concept art (which somehow ended up online) appeared to confirm it, lending this one some credibility. However, with other reports claiming that this character is the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia, it seems strange that she would be living like that - unless she's estranged from her parents.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.