20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours

16. Andy Serkis Has Multiple Roles

Dawn Of The Planet of the Apes star Andy Serkis has confirmed that it was his voice heard in the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but it sounds like whoever that growl belongs to won't be the only role that the motion capture expert ends up taking on. In fact, it's been rumoured that Serkis will actually have at least two major parts in the movie. One is seemingly a live action character and the mysterious villain (?) who did that voiceover. That character apparently has a "pivotal" role in The Force Awakens' first act, but Serkis will then take the lead as an "unbelievably athletic and acrobatic motion capture character", with newcomers Pip Anderson and Crystal Clarke said to be joining him.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.