20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

4. Abomination

Abomination is Emil Blonsky - a special-ops operative of the British Army who joined the Hulkbuster team under the leadership of General Thunderbolt Ross. Initially being injected with a small dose of the previously abandoned Super Soldier Serum, Blonsky was already at Captain America levels of strength and durability (as well as insane levels of healing, being able to recover from shattering every bone in his body in a couple of days) prior to being injected with Bruce Banner€™s gamma-exposed blood. The blood injection caused him to transform permanently into a Hulk-sized brute and the combination of the two substances gave him the strength to rival the Hulk himself, a massive increase in durability, vastly increased running speed and reactions (given that he could catch a shell fired from an RPG) and the ability to leap several stories high from ground level.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.