20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

5. Iron Man

Iron Man has now appeared in four Marvel Cinematic Universe movies to date and in that time his suits have gradually shown more powers - to the point that he is now up there with the toughest characters in the franchise (Tony Stark has actually appeared in five movies, including his cameo in The Incredible Hulk, but the Iron Man armour wasn't involved in that scene). The suit has always granted Stark considerable super-strength - giving him the ability to grapple Thor and hold a car up - and a high level of durability - such as taking shots from Thor€™s hammer and various other powered armours, including the much bulkier Iron Monger armour. It also grants Stark high-speed flying capabilities, as shown when he was able to push a large propeller on S.H.I.E.L.D.€™s Helicarrier fast enough for it to restart, while he outdoes fighter jets with ease. In terms of weapons, Iron Man can fire repulsor blasts and a variety of projectile weapons, such as missiles - including several small missiles en masse, all of which have individual targeting systems built into them.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.