20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

2. Thor

With three Marvel Cinematic Universe movies to his name so far, Thor has proven himself to be the most powerful of all the heroic characters. His basic physical strength is sufficient to at least rival that of the Hulk's, even if it isn't greater as the green brute's (Thor was able to block one of Hulk€™s punches with some effort), and he is definitely stronger than Tony Stark when he's wearing his Iron Man armour. With regard to Thor's durability, he can take a beating from the Hulk and walk away relatively unscathed - indeed smiling when Bruce Banner's angry alter-ego bloodied his nose - and he was able to head-butt Iron Man's armour with enough force to disorientate Tony Stark somewhat. Perhaps most impressively, he was able to tank direct blasts from the Aether Infinity Stone when Malekith was using it against him. Thor can fly too, but it is his God powers that put him above the likes of Hulk and Abomination. Mjolnir - Thor's incredibly powerful war hammer - can create whirlwinds potent enough to lift the Destroyer Armour off the ground, and the bolts of lightning that he can summon are powerful enough to take down the Chitauri€™s enormous space whales in one blast.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.