20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

1. Kurse

Wherever Thor was on this list, Kurse had to be higher - and the fact that the Asgardian hero was at number two means that Kurse is undoubtedly the most powerful character to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date. What is most impressive about Kurse being placed so high is that he earns the position on brute force alone. He possesses no magical powers of note, but his basic strength and durability is such that it doesn't make any difference. He threw Thor around as though he was dealing with a small child and was not only able to easily tank shots from Mjolnir, but was even able to deflect the hammer and prevent it from returning to Thor. Mjolnir, by rights, shouldn't be able to be moved at all by Kurse, so his strength levels must be insane. He really was a monster. So there you have it - the twenty most powerful characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Did you enjoy this article? Do you agree with the entries on this list? Was anyone missed out? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow K.J. on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.