20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

19. Drax

Drax the Destroyer - the final piece in the Guardians Of The Galaxy jigsaw - displayed a decent level of physical strength, exceptional fighting skills and, most impressively, incredible superhuman durability. Although he brushed aside most of his opponents with ease, defeating numerous Sakaaran soldiers and ripping out Korath's mechanical parts to defeat him, it was his fight with Ronan - in which he was hideously outmatched - that really showed off his power, as bizarre as that sounds. Ronan pummelled Drax with far superior superhuman strength - including smashing him into metal doors so hard that he put a huge dent in them - and Drax kept on fighting. He also has great reflexes (nothing goes over his head. His reflexes are too fast. He would... catch it).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.