20 Most Powerful Characters In The MCU

20. Captain America

Captain America is one of several characters of around the same level of power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's very similar to the likes of Red Skull and the Winter Soldier - the very men he took on directly in his own two movies - but his superior feats of strength, durability and combat prowess put him above the two of them and allow him to sneak on to this list. While he's isn't super-powered as such, Captain America's peak human physical abilities put him at levels that are effectively superhuman. He can take hits from super-powered characters, punch with low-level superhuman strength, jump much further than any other human and run at speeds far beyond what normal humans are capable of, enabling him to stand out even amongst his genuinely super-powered allies. The fact that he skilfully wields an indestructible shield does him no harm either.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.