20 Most Rewatchable Horror Movies Of All Time

16. The Birds (1963)

The Shining Jack Nicholson
Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions

Here’s the genius of Hitchcock’s 1963 thriller – common birds, which should be a mundane form of a threat, become genuinely terrifying. Throughout the movie, we never find out why the flocks start to attack the people of Bodega Bay, we only know they are unmerciful and will stop at nothing.

The birds in question don’t have specifically terrifying characteristics (having sharp beaks, being abnormally large etc.), they are just regular animals which anyone could come across in real life. Most disturbing of all, a lot of the film involved actual birds attacking the poor actress Tippi Hedren with the footage being left in the final edit.

It’s chaotic, unpredictable and seemingly never-ending. The Birds is not as suspenseful or clever as Hitchcock’s previous masterpieces, but it stands out for being a sheer thrill from start to finish.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid