20 Most Rewatchable Horror Movies Of All Time

14. The Thing (1982)

The Shining Jack Nicholson

John Carpenter's The Thing is considered one of the few movie remakes to be better than the original. In this case, it's an amelioration of Christian Nyby's "The Thing From Another World" because of Carpenter's attention to detail for action and set values.

Set in Antarctica, a team of scientists come into trouble with a deadly shape-shifting alien which can perfectly replicate the appearance of the people it kills. The struggle for R.J. Macready and his group grows increasingly difficult as they must find the alien hiding in plain sight. Tensions heighten as each colleague becomes overcome with paranoia and suspicion.

Relievedly, the spider-esque creatures and vicious monsters are not tethered down by cheap looking computer animation but instead were produced with painstakingly realistic special effects. Effects creator Rob Bottin slaved for seven days a week to the point where he was hospitalised for exhaustion in order to achieve such impressive graphics. But it was worth it to create some unbelievable moments which remain just as unnerving today as they did in 1982.

Furthermore, The Thing is an excellent mystery story because the ending is left up to interpretation and is still seriously discussed to this day.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid