20 Most Ridiculous Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. The Air Force One Rescue - Iron Man 3

Guardians Of The Galaxy Lee Pace Ronan Star Lord Chris Pratt
Marvel Studios

The Moment: During Aldrich Killian's attack on Air Force One, thirteen passengers are left falling through the sky to their sure doom...but Iron Man has a plan. He can only hold four people with his suit, so he decides to fly around and have each passenger grab one another, then use his suit's electricity to clamp their hands shut and ensure they don't let go mid-air. Yes, he saves everyone.

Why It's Ridiculous: It's pretty self-explanatory, really. Even ignoring the absurdity of how most if not all of these people would be killed by the instantaneous deceleration when hitting the water (which editing tries to unsuccessfully paper over), it's proper over-the-top superhero nonsense.

I mean, it's fun and few are going to deny that, but it's also one of Iron Man's more outrageous rescue sequences in any of the films, one that doesn't just strain credibility, but pretty much snaps it enthusiastically over its knee.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.