20 Most Ridiculous Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

16. Thanos' (Lack Of) Screen Time

Guardians Of The Galaxy Lee Pace Ronan Star Lord Chris Pratt
Marvel Studios

The Moment: Over the course of 12 movies so far, Thanos has appeared for a grand total of about 2.5 minutes. He first showed up in The Avengers' mid-credits scene (45 seconds), had a brief chat with Ronan and Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy (90 seconds), and appeared in Age of Ultron's mid-credits scene to take matters literally into his own hands (20 seconds).

Why It's So Ridiculous: Because Thanos is the series' big bad and, even if we accept that he wasn't actually introduced until the sixth movie in the series, it's been four years since we first met him and we've had almost nothing since.

Yes, it's all heading towards the Infinity War saga, sure, but to pawn us off on his various underlings and subordinates for so long is pretty crazy, and Marvel may have hyped him up so much that almost any inevitable payoff could seem underwhelming.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.