20 Most Surprising Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2017
7. Downsizing
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 50%
Alexander Payne is one of the most celebrated and awards-friendly filmmakers working today, and prior to the release of Downsizing, his worst-reviewed movie was his 1996 feature debut Citizen Ruth, which still rocks an impressive 80%.
Downsizing was widely expected to be a major awards contender, but after the film's debut on the festival circuit, it quickly became clear that it would be the most polarising film of Payne's entire career.
Though Matt Damon and Christoph Waltz give entertaining performances and the central concept is undeniably fascinating, Payne decides to take a sharp narrative left-turn when Hong Chau's grating character is introduced, making the remainder of the 135-minute movie an utter slog.
This could've been a Best Picture contender, but instead, it's overlong, preachy and not nearly as funny or charming as it thinks it is.