20 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of The 21st Century

7. High Life (2018)

High Life

Despite its high concept premise and brilliant cast - led by Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche and Mia Goth - High Life tanked at the box office and slipped unfairly under the radar, which is a shame given its life-affirming story and rewarding visuals.

Pattinson stars in one of his most challenging roles as a prisoner on a ship which is being sent to extract energy from a black hole. He is joined by several other criminals, as well as the sinister and complex Dr. Dibs (Binoche).

As the crew near their mission objective, things go from bad to worse as the various characters succumb to their murderous and sexual desires.

High Life is very nasty in places, and its non-linear narrative makes for some confusing timejumps, but at its core it's a deeply personal and moving assessment of human nature, free will and faith. It's not the nicest film you'll ever see, but it reaps many rewards for those willing to take the journey.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other