20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2019

16. Cliff & Rick Destroy The Manson Cult - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

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Sony Pictures Releasing

It wasn't terribly surprising that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood ended with Quentin Tarantino gloriously rewriting history with regard to the Manson Family murders, though the manner in which he did it wasn't quite so predictable.

The film ends with a drunk Rick (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff (Brad Pitt) heading back to Rick's home, where Rick hangs out by the pool as Cliff smokes an acid-laced cigarette.

The Manson Family then prepares to assault Sharon Tate's (Margot Robbie) home, as per history, only to be distracted by an irate, drunk Rick, causing them to change plans and invade his house instead.

Except, with the help of his dog Brandy, a high-as-hell Cliff effortlessly dismantles the young cult members, violently murdering most of them in spectacularly OTT fashion.

One remaining member stumbles outside to the pool, prompting Rick - who was listening to music and oblivious to the chaos inside - to grab his movie prop flamethrower and burn her to a crisp.

It's an hilariously heightened way to end the movie, and firmly within Tarantino's savagely violent wheelhouse. As a weirdly poignant "f**k you" to Tate's tragic real-life fate, it was really quite wonderful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.