20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2020

10. The Entire Movie - Songbird

Capone Tom Hardy

This past March, literally the month where the COVID-19 pandemic sent large quarters of the world into lockdown, writers Adam Mason and Simon Boyes conceived a speculative pandemic thriller, Songbird, which would take place in 2024 where the virus had mutated into the decidedly deadlier COVID-23.

The Michael Bay-produced thriller recently hit VOD services, and to the surprise of few is a deeply questionable slice of quasi-exploitation taking thorough advantage of the current moment.

Though impressively produced for a mere $2.5 million budget and starring an impressively stacked cast - including Craig Robinson, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stormare, Alexandra Daddario, Paul Walter Hauser, and Demi Moore - it's ultimately tough to look past the film's irresponsible politics.

In Songbird, the government's sanitation department effectively becomes an authoritarian force committed to placing infected persons in concentration camps and flat-out murdering anyone who breaks lockdown rules.

Considering that many Americans still don't believe that the pandemic is real or that they should have to wear masks, it feels massively misguided to release such a piece of media, especially as the pandemic is far from over.

Yes, it's a fantastical vision of the future, but to many it will simply bolster their resolve that government measures intended to curb the spread of COVID-19 are needlessly draconian and encroaching upon those ever-important "freedoms."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.