20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2020

11. Abby Takes Harper Back - Happiest Season

Capone Tom Hardy
Sony Pictures Releasing

Clea DuVall's Happiest Season is a mostly charming and inclusive spin on the typical holiday rom-com formula, though audiences were torn over its controversial ending.

Throughout the film, protagonist Abby (Kristen Stewart) struggles with the fact that her partner Harper (Mackenzie Davis) refuses to come out to her conservative parents, even to the extent of pretending that Abby is nothing more than a friend.

Harper is also shown to be rather negligent as a partner, frequently leaving Abby to her own devices at parties where she doesn't know anybody, seeming to suggest that Abby might eventually leave Harper and romance Harper's far more appealing ex Riley (Aubrey Plaza) instead.

And though Abby does indeed dump Harper in the third act after a series of increasingly offensive transgressions, a few scenes later she decides to forgive her, leading to a wildly rushed "happy" ending where Harper's parents have also suddenly ditched their judgmental ways.

Though Abby's best friend John (Dan Levy) quite rightly asserts that coming out is a deeply personal and incredibly difficult process, it nevertheless felt emotionally dishonest for Abby to take Harper back after everything she put her through.

It would've been far more satisfying if Abby and Harper went on their own life paths and perhaps bumped into each other some time later as more assured and happy people. Instead, we got a lousy Hollywood Ending.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.