20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2022 (So Far)

9. The Moon Was Created By Ancient Humans - Moonfall

The Northman Ethan Hawke

One thing's for sure - Moonfall was a hell of a lot weirder than anybody expected. Roland Emmerich's sci-fi disaster flick involves two former astronauts (Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry) teaming up with a conspiracy theorist (John Bradley) to try and stop the moon crashing into Earth when it leaves its orbit.

But because that's not enough threat for one movie, Emmerich throws in an extraterrestrial entity which may be behind the calamity.

In the film's third act, we finally get the truth: the Moon is an artificial megastructure created billions of years ago by an ancient race of humans who were considerably more technologically advanced than us.

The Moon was designed to act as an ark to help repopulate the human race after a human-created AI went rogue and started wiping our human ancestors out.

That's... not what anybody expected, and as dumb as Moonfall might be, it at least took a hard, silly swing at something that gave folks some easy laughs.

This is without even getting into the movie's ridiculous ending, but it's never more daft than during this insane exposition dump reveal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.