20 Movie Remakes You Didn’t Know Were In The Works

19. Memento

Memento Carrie Anne Moss Guy Pearce
Summit Entertainment

The Film

Back in November 2015, it was announced that Christopher Nolan's Oscar-nominated 2001 neo-noir would be getting a remake, with a promise that it would "stay true to Christopher Nolan's vision and deliver a memorable movie that is every bit as edgy, iconic and award-worthy as the original."

No writer, director or cast members have yet signed onto the project.

Is It A Good Idea?

Absolutely not. A new movie following a similar premise and plot structure could work in theory, but given the intense fandom surrounding the cult thriller - and Nolan in general - there's a ton of understandable vitriol towards the project before cameras have even started rolling.

Star Guy Pearce put it best himself, really: "I don't think covering 'Memento' is a great idea, unless you do the $200 million Tom Cruise version and you set it in a whole futuristic world."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.