20 Movie Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

20. Iron Man 4

Previous Film: 2013's Iron Man 3 stirred up a storm at the box office ($1.2 billion), even if many fans took offense to the movie's treatment of its main villain, the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). Iron Man will also be seen in this summer's Avengers: Age of Ultron, next year's Captain America: Civil War and also presumably the third and fourth Avengers films, Infinity War Parts 1 & 2. Why It Needs To Happen: Because audiences are absolutely desperate for it, and while they'll still get plenty of Tony Stark over the next two years, it would make sense for Marvel Studios to strike while the iron's hot and get another full movie out of Downey while they still can, given his age. Current Status: Back in September, Robert Downey Jr. said "There isn't one in the pipe" in regards to an Iron Man sequel, and frankly it doesn't seem like he's that interested in doing it. He'll be kept busy with the aforementioned MCU commitments for a while, so it doesn't even seem like Iron Man 4 could slot in until 2020/2021 at the earliest, by which point the part will almost certainly be recast, considering that Downey will be in his mid-fifties.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.