20 Movie Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

13. Men In Black 4

Previous Film: After a lengthy wait and numerous production issues, Men in Black 3 finally hit cinemas in 2012 and, against the odds, actually turned out to be surprisingly solid. Josh Brolin, playing a spot-on young Agent K, was the MVP, and the time travel gimmick resulted in a surprisingly emotional finale. Why It Needs To Happen: Because MiB3 saw an unexpected creative rejuvenation for the series, and given how little interaction J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) had in the third film, audiences are more than ready to see their uproarious banter for a full movie once again. Current Status: Jones and Smith will consider working on a fourth film, which is currently in the early stages, though it's quite possible it'll be another vaporous project that never actually materialises. After all, Jones is getting older now, and Smith seems strangely averse to sequels these days. 22 Jump Street writer Oren Uziel was appointed to script the film over two years ago, but so far, nothing's materialised in the form of concrete announcements.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.