20 Movie Sequels That Must Be Announced In 2015

14. Blade IV

Previous Film: Despite the added value of Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel helping out the titular vampire this time, Blade: Trinity is easily the weakest entry into the trilogy, raking over the same plot points (Whistler dies, again) and failing to deliver much in the way of satisfying action. Why It Needs To Happen: Because the franchise is too good to just allow it to fade into obscurity, and while it's tough to imagine anyone but Wesley Snipes in the lead role, he's already 52 years old, so they need to get the ball rolling before he can no longer convince as the Daywalker. Current Status: The rumour mill began whirring last summer that Snipes was going to return for Blade IV, an enticing prospect for the studio because Snipes can no longer command the huge paycheques he once could. On the flip-side, he's also not as bankable anymore, so it's entirely possible the role will either get recast or the entire series rebooted with a much younger up-and-comer. If Snipes does return, he wants to fight the Twilight kids, which frankly sounds like too good of a proposition to turn down.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.