20 Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2022

4. Death On The Nile

Knives Out 2 Thumbnail
20th Century Studios

On paper Death on the Nile should've been a commercial slam-dunk follow-up to 2017's moderately successful Agatha Christie adaptation Murder on the Orient Express.

Filming was wrapped by December 2019 for an original October 2020 release, though the impact of the pandemic caused it to slide two months to December.

As it became clear the box office would take longer to recover than expected, Disney pushed it all the way to September 2021. However, just last month they quietly pushed the film once again, this time to February 2022.

This move was widely interpreted to be a result of the rape and abuse allegations levelled against star Armie Hammer, as Disney scrambles to figure out what to do with the film.

Many industry analysts believe the film may end up released on streaming service Hulu in lieu of a theatrical bow, yet without the prospect of replacing Hammer due to him effectively being the movie's lead, Disney is clearly hoping that some of the stink might subside by 2022.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.