20 Movies That Will Kick Ass In 2018

8. Apostle

Apostle Netflix

Although many fans would prefer Gareth Evans to finally give them The Raid 3, his next movie (and his first major American picture), Apostle, will once again channel the unbridled adrenaline that made the director such a fan favourite.

Starring Dan Stevens as a man who ventures to a remote island in search of his sister, who's been kidnapped by a religious cult, the premise is almost tailor made for Evan's unique brand of action. While it goes without saying that the film will excel in creating inspired set-pieces though, how the director will tackle the sensitive themes of the plot is perhaps the more interesting draw, especially considering just how dour The Raid 2 - Evans' most narrative-heavy film to date - ended up being.

Though it could be a little worrying that it's going to debut on Netflix (who don't have the best track record this year after the likes of Mute and The Cloverfield Paradox), that does mean Evans' Wicker-Man-by-way-of-The-Raid movie will be available for all, sooner rather than later.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3